The Paths and Nature Action Group

The Paths and Nature Action Group is a partner organisation with the Dunkeld, Birnam and District Community Development Trust. It was formed in response to the Community Action Plan (CAP) that identified the Environment and various actions as a priority theme – and to meet a growing need to maintain paths and help nature.
Specifically the CAP identified the priority theme of “Environment and a greener future” with the following priority actions – [actions relevant to the Group highlighted in bold]
- Improving access for all – paths, pavements and seating
- Environment and visitor management
- Community owned energy generation and energy efficiency measures
- A greener Dunkeld and Birnam
Since establishment in 2023 the Group has, amongst other things, been –
- Checking and maintaining the Dunkeld Path Network signage
- Clearing paths of encroaching vegetation
- Improving path drainage
- Controlling invasive non-native plants and replanting with native trees and
wildflowers, and
- Surveying our migratory swifts and providing new nest sites.
Additionally, members carry out a wide range of other activities including path mapping and classification, biological recording (including bumblebees, moths, birds, plants) and nestbox designing and building.
Our area is rich in scenery and nature but faces many pressures including climate change, economic factors, increased visitor numbers and the spread of non-native species. Get in touch and find a way you could help manage our environment and ensure a greener future.
If you are interested in helping our local paths and nature and/ or would like to join the Paths and Nature Action Group Whatsapp group for regular updates, please contact Beth Taylor, Project Worker for the PH8 CAP Trust by email: