Our Roots
The Trust was officially formed in November 2022 as a means of taking forward the initiatives highlighted in the Community Action Plan.
We are a charitable organisation which is owned and managed by the local community in Dunkeld, Birnam and district. Our main role is to enable and support beneficial community projects. These could be in any area of interest to the community and include cultural, environmental, accessibility and economic themes.​ We can also assist community groups to apply for and obtain funding.
Our Purpose
We aim to advance citizenship and community development in the Dunkeld and Birnam area. Our work is centralised around core themes, all stemming from the community action plan. These themes include;
Encouraging safe and active travel,
Addressing issues around the lack of affordable housing,
Delivering improvements to physical and electronic connectivity,
Coordinating Community Volunteer activity,
Protecting the natural, built and cultural environment, including our archaeological heritage,
Promoting activities, including care, and the provision of facilities that underpin a strong community spirit and cultural development across all ages,
Supporting projects that contribute to a thriving local economy, but only to a minimal extent required to achieve the charitable purpose.
In 2023, we gratefully received funding from the 'SSE Renewables Griffin and Calliachar Community Fund',
and from 'The Gannochy Trust', these two contributions underpinned our work in 2023.
We have also received generous support from the 'Basil Death Trust', the 'Pitlochry Enchanted
Forest Community Fund' and 'Perth and Kinross Council Community Learning and Development Fund'.
In the longer term, we do aspire to develop revenue streams of our own, at least to partially support our work.
Our Vision for the Community
“To create a vibrant, safe, attractive community which cares for its citizens and its environment and seeks a sustainable future for both”.
Become a Member of The Trust
Becoming a member of the community trust is free and a great way to keep up to date with the various ongoing groups and projects.
As a member you may attend our public meetings. Want to get more involved? please contact us or any of the groups representaives.
By becoming a member you agree to the terms as set out by the Trust and detailed below.
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) I agree that Dunkeld, Birnam & District Community Development Trust may hold and use the personal information on this
form to keep in touch with me and inform me of Trust news. The info may be stored on both manual or computer files. It will be held securely and only accessed by authorised personnel.